
FSC: there is no difference in the legal position between the man and the woman for the membership of ICR

FSC confirmed that the legal position of the woman is equal to the legal position of the man in the ICR membership, it drew attention that the winning of a woman in an electoral list by her votes doesn’t prevent the presence of another woman won by the (quota)

The official spokesman of the court Ayas AL-Samok said '' FSC is continuing in securing the political rights for women through the provisions which were issued by it, one of them is its provision No.(8/federal/2019)''

AL-Samok added '' the court confirmed that the presence of a woman who won in the election by the votes she got in an electoral list doesn’t prevent the presence of another woman came by securing the quota of  women next to her (quota) ''

He clarified'' the court found the constitution and the law doesn't prevent the presence of two women in a list from the lists and at the same time doesn't prevent the list its rights to get two seats in the ICE occupied by two women''

He added '' the FSC insisted that the legal position of the representative woman is fully equal to the legal position of the representative man and they have the same rights and obligations according to the article (14) from the Constitution.''