

Visit of the Canadian Ambassador to the Federal Supreme Court

The President of the Federal Supreme Court, Judge Jassim Muhammad Abboud, received on Sunday, 7/4/2024, the Canadian Ambassador in Baghdad, Mrs. Kathy Banka, at the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court in Baghdad.

Visit of the President of the Iraqi Media Network to the Federal Supreme Court

The President of the Federal Supreme Court, Judge Jassim Al-Amiri, received on Sunday the head of the Iraqi Media Network, Karim Hammadi, and discussed mechanisms of joint cooperation in various fields.

Visit of the British Ambassador to the Federal Supreme Court

The President of the Federal Supreme Court, Judge Jassim Muhammad Abboud, received on Wednesday, 3/4/2024, the British Ambassador in Baghdad, Mr. Stephen Hitchen, at the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court in Baghdad.

Visit of the Korean Ambassador to the Federal Supreme Court

 The President of the Federal Supreme Court, Judge Jassim Mohammed Abboud, received on Wednesday, 3/4/2024, the Korean Ambassador in Baghdad, Mr. Joey Sung-so, at the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court in Baghdad.


Decisions And Jugments Issued By The Federal Supreme Court


Constitutional Interpretation

political parties

Administrative Judiciary