
The Federal Supreme Court establishes the principle of "the right of Iraqis to own property without discrimination throughout Iraq"

Baghdad/ Media of the Federal Supreme Court 

   The Federal Supreme Court issued a judgment in the case numbered 8/ Federal / 2023, according to which the plaintiffs challenged the constitutionality of Legislative Order No. (12) of 2004 as far as the order related to the cancellation of Resolution (117) of 2000, the court found that the order under challenge was issued to remove discrimination between citizens to obtain residential lands, based on the desire of the Iraqi government to provide residential plots for all segments of society, and the decision in question came as a correct application of the principle of the right of Iraqis to own property without discrimination throughout Iraq and in line with the principle of equality among citizens, as it enshrines the principle of equal opportunities for all people and does not contradict or contradict any constitutional text.